Celebrity Souls Speak With Brian And Rene' Interviews With the Otherside

S3 E44 Celebrity Souls Speak Meatloaf, Includes Transcript

Brian White and Rene' Leister Season 3 Episode 44

Meatloaf is a soul on a mission. Within a week of his passing, he contacted me about doing an interview for the podcast. 
"Gotta get to work. There is much to do, many to help." 
That's what he said. 
Listen in on our chat.

CSS 44 Meatloaf January 26, 2022

Brian Hi. This is Brian White. Welcome to Season 3,  Episode 44 of Celebrity Souls Speak With Brian and Rene’, Interviews From The Otherside: Meatloaf . My wife, Rene’, is a spirit communicator, she speaks to those on the otherside, and I’ve been a radio personality for over 50 years. The otherside established communication with us because they wish to stay in touch with this dimension. They are our teachers, the invisible knowledge that helps us on our way. They have much to share and hope that those who listen will reflect on their messages. 

Rene We appreciate our listeners. You are a unique group of individuals who  have been directed to our podcast for a reason. Pay attention to what you are being told, the advice you receive. If you choose, you can help change this world. Make it the place it was intended to be.  Thank you.

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“Paradise By The Dashboard Light” started playing in my head less than a week after Meatloaf crossed over to the Otherside. When the dearly departed wish to communicate with me it’s usually musically. Out of nowhere a song will appear in my consciousness. Quite different than the “earworm” we get when we hear a song, usually a horrendous song, and it becomes planted in our music brain, I get a snippet, usually the title, just a few bars. I waited. Here it is again, it’s Meatloaf for sure. So cool. Born Marvin Lee Aday, September 27, 1947, in Dallas Texas, he became both a songman and an actor. He passed on January 20, 2022, at 74 years young, due to complications from COVID-19. The legendary musician was one of the most successful performers of all time, selling millions of records worldwide. His most popular release was his Bat Out Of Hell album trilogy, which was known for its operatic rock style and popular single of the same name. The first album in the trilogy, which was released in 1977 and spent nine years on the music charts, is one of the best-selling albums in history with over 43 million copies sold. More than four decades after its release, the album is certified 14x Platinum and continues to sell an estimated 200,000 copies each year. Meatloaf is also known for his film and television appearances throughout the years, the most notable of which include his role as Eddie in 1975’s Rocky Horror Picture Show and the character Robert “Bob” Paulson in 1999’s Fight Club. On television, he starred on shows like Ghost Wars, Elementary, House, and Monk, along with a Rocky Horror Picture Show-themed episode of Glee in 2010. Two decades before his death, Meat Loaf also became a published author with the release of his book, To Hell and Back: An Autobiography, in 1999. 

R Hi Meatloaf

M Hello. This is certainly strange. 

R So are you in training?

M LOL something like that. It’s not really training, it’s remembering. 

R I was surprised to hear from you already, you haven’t been gone long.

M Gotta get to work. There is much to do, many to help.

R Thank you for speaking with me.

M I have been told of your project and would like to participate.

R Of course. 

M What do we do?

R Talk.

M Ok, about what.

R LOL, about you. Whatever you would like to share. We would like to hear about your passing and transition, about what you have learned. What you would like to tell humanity. I am your messenger. One thing, where did the moniker “Meatloaf?” come from, I've heard conflicting stories. 

M Ok, well, there isn’t too much to tell about my passing. On my nickname, I was a big baby and that is one story that is passed around but it was when I was in grade school. 

R What challenges in this life helped you to become the person you were expected to be?

M My weight issues were a challenge for everyone but me. I was fine, the way I was. Tried all kinds of diets, lifestyle, bottom line is that I want what I want. Food made me happy. Food was my friend and never let me down. I was vegetarian for a while but with the name “Meatloaf, “ well that didn’t endear me to many folks who didn’t eat meat. 

R Did you fall asleep and wake up there or did you see and experience the release from your body?

M I did have a weird dream, I thought. I was looking down on myself. And I tried to wake up but I couldn’t. My parents were there and I realized when I saw them that I was dead. There was no pain. In fact, there was no pain, at all. No feeling. No body. But it felt right. Like a part of the puzzle had found its place. I’m still getting acclimated but I wanted to get right to work. 

R Did you complete your mission, accomplish your goal here? Your experience may help someone who hears and is thinking how to accomplish their goal, whatever that is.

M Yes, I did for the most part. Close enough. I had a hard life in the beginning, and I wanted to make people happy. And make myself happy. Well actually make myself happy and if other people got happy that was a plus. See, no EGO talking, makes a difference in your honesty toward the real situation and how you want to spin it to fit the situation.

R How did you hear of my project?

M Information is available, we know. And we communicate with each other. I have been able to play music and Jim Morrison told me about you. 

R He’s been a good friend. What are some things you can tell me now that you have the big picture?

M Nothing you don’t already know. Humankind is not responding well to the changes in vibrations, the energy. The shift has created many problems for people of low vibration because they can’t reach this new frequency. Most of mankind don’t believe in the reality of who and what you are. They are scared and that is causing the lash out and violence. Fear is a terrible emotion but it is necessary for survival. It has to be understood and used when necessary but mankind has not learned how to harness its power. So from fear come anger, sadness, anxiety, emotions that are not well dealt with there. 

R How can you help mankind to realize the reality of who we are and our journey here?

M Communicating, helping people like you to educate those who will listen. We have much to say and wish there was a way to reach all but that’s not how it is. This is a personal experience. Every one is different. Just like in human life, this mimic’s it. 

R How long did it take for you to grasp what had happened?

M Not long, when you see dead people, you get it. I knew it was coming, so I tried to prepare myself but there is no preparation for this, you have to experience it on your own journey. It was a confusing but comforting experience.

R You have the floor, what would you like to say?

M I would like to encourage mankind to open your mind and accept new ideas. To reach into yourself and listen to your intuition. To fill your mind with ideas on how you can help make a better life for mankind, instead of concentrating on what is best for you. There is so much selfishness, so much EGO, so much greed. You don’t bring it with you, you know. This life on Earth is but one small journey and yet it is so integral to the learning and growing of your Spirit. There are many who will repeat their journey here because they are not allowing themselves to remember who they are and why they are there. The sad part is that everyone is equipped with the ability to communicate, to learn from us, to remember. Just being still and listening, giving gratitude and praying, these are things that will allow you to receive guidance. 

R And anything to say about your life as Meatloaf.

M Oh, it was a wonderful adventure. I was blessed with being able to live in that society while doing what I loved. I didn't expect to be successful in my life. My start was truly one that no child should experience. My family, friends and fans were sad to see me go but we will all be together again, when the time comes. I’ll be waiting. Just look for the dashboard light.