Celebrity Souls Speak With Brian And Rene' Interviews With the Otherside

S4 E48 Celebrity Souls Speak Jeffrey Epstein, Includes Transcript

Brian White and Rene' Leister Season 4 Episode 48

We come to this life with a mission. Some missions are not acceptable to humanity but they fulfill the yin-yang balance of good/evil that composes our Universe. Jeffrey Epstein was not considered a good person but he had a soul mission and now on the Otherside, explains the process of missions. 

B Welcome to Celebrity Souls Speak with Brian and Rene’, Season 4 Episode 48, Jeffrey Epstein. We may think they’re gone but they’re still very much with us. Listening, watching, stepping in to help us navigate this Earth adventure.

R Often, I am contacted by souls when I am watching a documentary about them or listening to a song they performed. After I watched Jeffrey Epstein’s documentary he contacted me. This is our conversation.

January 20,1953, Jeffrey Epstein was born in Brooklyn, New York. He was a talented student who excelled in mathematics and was a skilled pianist. He became a financier worth millions who had ties to celebrities, politicians, and royalty. Epstein was also a pedophile, sex addict and sex trafficker. He passed in 2019, in New York, but not in a fancy mansion. He died at the Metropolitan Correction Center after being convicted of sex trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking. His death, as his life, was controversial. He was found hanged in his jail cell. Was this suicide or something else? Many theories still swirl to this day that he was murdered. You will hear from him what really happened. 

J Hello.

R Thank you for responding.

J I see that have an interest in the time I spent there as Jeffrey.

R Yes, I have interest in every soul….

J Well, it is good that you are open-minded and understand the way things work. 

R What I understand is that we are all souls that form a larger spirit, pieces that form the whole. The part of your soul that became Jeffrey Epstein, was tasked to do something particular here. The fact that it was an unpopular area that you dabbled in doesn’t make a difference. That would be judgment. You did what you did for a reason and that is all. That’s how I see it.

J Very good, you have been listening.

R Well, I am mainly interested in the correlation between your time here, your transition, and your life now. 

J You will do well when you get here, you already have a huge piece accomplished. Judgment is very hard to overcome. 

R Yes and I am not perfect. I have to reign in the judgment part of me when it is not acceptable.

J How can I help you?

R Do you have any questions about what I am doing? 

J No, it is well-known that you are trying to help us communicate with the human race on Earth. 

R Yes, my mission is to be a conduit to relay messages from your side to ours and to help those here who have loved ones who have passed, the opportunity to communicate with them. 

J Yes, that is great. Do not be discouraged. If you keep your intent you will realize the reward. 

R Trying. So what was your mission, why did you come here?

J Karma, as we all have. It is part of our make up, to have both positive and negative experiences although to us they are only experiences. This experience was memorable, I’ve not experienced anything else as grand. 

R So you’re just a good ole spirit having experiences?

J Pretty much sums it up.

R So does your base, what I guess you say is Spirit, what is the personality? There are so many different lives, how does that work?

J We are only pieces in the whole picture.

R Like a puzzle?

J Laughs, I guess you could look at it that way. It's no different than your composition, you have your controller so to speak like the EGO that all feed into one main “decision-maker”. That is GOD. And we are all GOD. We are also only a part of the bigger picture. There is no limit. Consciousness is infinite. Every piece is just part of the larger whole.

R Ok, so did you just learn this or did you have an inkling when Jeffrey was here? 

J Oh, Jeffrey didn’t think about anything but his penis. You saw the show. It’s all true. 

R What was Jeffrey here for, what was the purpose that his behavior served?

J Wake-up call, It’s always a wake-up call. The yin to the yang. You have to have evil to balance. There has to be awareness of the danger of human life. That’s why we come there to show you that it is real, there is bad and evil. There has to be. And I chose to take that. I needed it for myself as well as humanity. This was my balance. And I hope that somewhere, someone saw or heard about Jeffrey and either got themselves or a friend out of a bad situation. I was there to teach.

R What lessons did you learn and what do you have to pass to mankind?

J Lessons would be that there are people who truly have an evil core. That is their job and it is your job to make sure you stay away from those energies. You know when something isn’t right. You know when something is bad for you because your intuition kicks in and tells you but you choose to ignore it. I watched the show, I saw from this perspective, how easy it was to lead young women into lives that, well all lives are pre-determined but are also malleable as to the meat in the sandwich. You always have a choice and you could choose to bypass this experience and go in a different, direction, it depends on what your needs are. It’s a very complex puzzle. 

R I can see. Jeffrey fulfilled an item on his list and humankind received a warning, a rebel yell to wake you up from the mindlessness that we slip into. Pay attention. What are your kids doing?

J Yes. And for mankind, there will always be evil and there will always be a life path. You don’t always have to take the road ahead, you can veer from the highway. Just be sure. Listen to your intuition. Teach your children. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.

R Great conversation but I do want to ask a few things about Jeffrey. Did he die at his own hand or was he murdered? 

J No, he did it. There was no way out, he had called in every favor, done everything he could to get out of trouble but he was done. And he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life in prison. He was a very powerful person there but even he admitted there was no way out of this for him. So, this was the only option.

R As still a human, right before you passed, did you realize that what you had done in this life was unacceptable to this society? Did you have any remorse?

J No. I lived this life the way I wanted. The people I associated with were aware of what was happening and consented. I never raped anyone. Why would I? Yes, they were young of age but knew what they were doing. They benefitted from my appetite. Many made a lot of money and I schooled quite a few. I took care of these people. And in return, they satiated me. The problem is that humans are not willing to take responsibility for their actions. Blame someone else.

R Yes, that seems to be the way it is with many. Thank you for speaking with me, I am available to speak with you if you think of anything else. 

J Thank you.