Celebrity Souls Speak With Brian And Rene' Interviews With the Otherside

S2 E27 Celebrity Souls Speak "Words For The World", Includes Transcript

Brian White and Rene' Leister Season 2 Episode 27

WAKE UP WORLD!! That's basically the message that the celebrity souls are trying to relay to us. In this episode, Rene' poses the question: What's Your Message To Mankind In This New Word? The following souls responded in this episode: 
John Lennon 
Ginger Baker
Jack Bruce
Jim Morrison
George Harrison
Whitney Houston
Lucille Ball
Davy Jones
Tom Petty
Patrick Swayze
James Garner


Hi. This is Brian White. Welcome to Season 2 Episode 27, Celebrity Souls Speak, Words For The World. My wife, Rene’, is a Medium and I’ve been a radio personality for over 50 years. The otherside established communication with us because they wish to stay in touch with this dimension. We started this podcast and have been interviewing celebrities that have passed over. We’re giving them a platform, they have a lot to say and we’re in contact and passing along their thoughts.

Hi, this is Rene’ and this is not the usual interview narrative you are used to hearing. Today we are talking about the state of our world and what advice those on the otherside have for mankind.

What follows are their answers.

What’s your message to mankind in this new world?

I’m going to add my 2 cents here...There is so much available to us from the otherside, all we have to do is ask. 

John Lennon

I think that there has been too much progress in too short a time. The generations right before you, they had too many major revisions to daily life, so many inventions, all too much together, didn’t give people a chance to absorb and understand. Now there is chaos. There are well-intentioned but there are also many ill-intentioned. I have given this so much thought, I don’t know how one person makes a difference anymore, there are so many people on the Earth and there is so much communication, too much communication, that people are overloaded. They don’t think, they just react. Their EGO is large and in charge. You can help by being more tolerant of others' opinions. You may want to consider setting an example. If every person set an example every day, it wouldn’t be long before everyone on Earth had been touched by human kindness. It’s part of losing the EGO, not losing it but integrating it into the rest of the human functioning system. If you want to make a difference, start making a difference. 

Jim Morrison

Stop worrying about the details, it will all work out according to plan, you just have to let go. Fly like a bird.

Ginger Baker

Alright well I guess if everybody stopped being who they were and decided to live like we are supposed to, you would have a lot less pain in the world. Hatred destroys your soul, you know? It will slowly eat away at it like cancer. You have to wake up to the reality of life. I know it is mostly out of fear that you don’t want to know the truth. You can’t know it all but there are things that you can and that will help you on your journey. All you have to do is believe and ask. 

Jack Bruce

I agree with a lot of what Ginger said, but I would like to add that we are supposed to love each other. As fellow travelers on this journey, we are all in this together, why would you chose sides and then one side tries to destroy the other. Aren’t you half of the whole? Doesn’t it destroy you too?

George Harrison

Wow, what a mess. Or is it just an adjustment? The people who will prosper are the people who stick with the plan. No secret that respect and love for each other are a priority, the number one priority. It takes a village. We are too far removed from our families, our core, we need to dial it back, like John said we moved forward too fast. Now is the time to slow down and remember why you are there. You don’t have to buy into the silliness of the political buffoons. You just live your life the way you want. Just do it. 

Lucille Ball

Mankind is stupid and I doubt if he will wise up before he destroys himself. And the Earth. I put forth children and if I would’ve known how this turns out I wouldn’t’ve made the same decision. Greed has overcome good sense. I don’t hold much hope that mankind will realize this.

Tom Petty

Well, I believe that most people will do the right things in life. There are many though that won’t and sometimes it is difficult to tell one from the other. You have to look at everybody through the same lens. That’s the only way you can truly compare.

Patrick Swayze

I think there is so much hatred in that world. So much hatred. Why? Because it is felt that one faction should be in control.  If you were supposed to all think the same way you would’ve been made that way. You weren’t, you are in a society that was built on individuality, being your own person, with your own ideas. You work together and your society is based on love and respect for all. This is supposed to be a peaceful place, where you learn about the ways of the Earth. There is no right or wrong. There is a yin-yang, for every action there is an equal reaction so that the scales are kept in balance. Unfortunately, the Earth has breached her balance and is leaning to one side and this is throwing off the balance. Hopefully, mankind will realize the shift and someone there will be able to balance it back to zero. Life is too short to waste on things that don’t matter to your soul. The human-ego part is in control and maybe someday someone will be able to convince the world that we’ve got to start living the right way, with love and respect. Tame down the human-ego. I like John’s idea. Oh and stop trying to save the Earth. It will renew itself without any help from mankind when it is time. 

James Garner

I would have to say that the world has changed so much in the relatively short amount of time I have been gone. John made that point. Too much at once. The human-ego part of us has to process everything and when you give it too much information it can shut down. That is what is happening now. Mankind is shutting down. There has to be a concerted effort on your part to change the direction that you are going. Right now mankind is basically blind. It can’t see what damage is being done by the human-ego, which is in total control right now. There has to be a change in the thought process. There needs to be a disconnect from electronic gadgets. They have a lot to do with what is happening now. People need to use them in the way they were invented to be used, to help mankind navigate through this journey. They aren’t supposed to take over the journey. Get back to being neighbors who share this space and respect each other and be kind to each other. There isn’t really any other way to live. Why would mankind prefer to hate when it can love? 

I just had an impression of a roulette wheel and names going around. Are you guys spinning a roulette wheel to see who gets called on?

 Chuckles from the otherside……

Whitney Houston

Everyone just cares about themself. There is no empathy. There is no consideration. I can’t blame it on money because if it wasn’t money, there would be a system by which you could win or lose, that is just in the human-ego. Competitiveness. Being the best. I could go on but the bottom line is if you don’t live the life you were given to live, you will return to Earth to fix it or decide to let it go and stay in the dimension. I have been so impressed with the statements here, John you nailed it. Rene’ I know you are going to look into making this happen. I will help any way I can. 

Davy Jones Monkees

I think mankind is just going about their perceived life and doesn’t consider the circumstances. You aren’t thinking about your place in Heaven when you are a 16 year old boy with a raging hardon looking for an easy girl to relieve it. Heaven, by the way, there isn’t one. The otherside is the dimension your soul inhabits after it leaves your body. It is a lovely place but there is no true place called Heaven or Hell. Those are places for you to inhabit in your mind when you are earthbound. Everyone is doing such a great job describing things, hopefully people will hear this and pay attention and pass it on, spread the word. We are here, trying to guide you and sometimes it works, sometimes, it doesn’t. Some people do not want to be guided, they want to find their own way. That’s ok too. There is no right or wrong. On Earth, It’s always been and always will be, a society where one of the factions wants to be the boss. Just human nature. I don’t think there is a way around it, as long as you have a society made up of Yin and Yang, you will never have a society that is 100% in agreement. And do you want that anyway? Nothing would get done. There would be stagnation. The reason we move forward and discover new things is because we do think in opposing directions. That way you cover the whole situation. Yin and Yang. The problem lies where you are today and the Yang are more prevalent than the Yin. So they feel more in charge. They will try to dominate and become the ultimate leaders. It is up to your society to decide whether this is acceptable or not. It is up to your society to work things out so that each party has an equal say although not every dispute will be handed to a certain party. It is terrible the way things are there. So much disrespect. I am glad I am here. What would you do to heal the Earth? I hate to admit it but there have been some great ideas thrown about here this evening. I honestly can’t add to the ideas that have been presented. I will certainly support and be available for discussion, if needed. I believe we all need to reach out to the souls on Earth, help point them in the right direction. John had a great idea about starting a movement on Earth. Have you looked into it? I have read it and will look into how we could make it happen. 

Davy Jones, I spent so many years looking at your picture from my bed. 

I do hear that a lot. 


And there you have it. For those who believe, I hope this will give you some insight. For those who don’t, I hope this will give you some insight. I can only tell you that we are all souls, right now inhabiting this human body, and are tied to this human experience on Earth, until our eternal soul leaves our body when we die. I can also tell you that it is up to you to decide what you believe. 

To reiterate what John said...You can help heal the world by being more tolerant of others opinions. You may want to consider setting an example. If every person set an example every day, it wouldn’t be long before everyone on Earth had been touched by human kindness. 

John said, “If you want to make a difference, start by making a difference.” Did you make a difference today? 

We are starting a movement. Help us all by passing this along. 
